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MSU to Host Ecopalooza to Celebrate Earth Day This Weekend

On Thursday, Students for a Sustainable Future (SSF), a group from Missouri State University, will host a solar-powered concert called Ecopalooza. This event will focus on promoting sustainable living and raise support for the group’s Beyond Coal campaign, a movement to get the MSU administration to pledge to transition from coal-powered electricity to 100% renewable energy. KSMU’s Rebekah Clark has more.


The concert will feature local bands from Springfield, community environmental organizations, education activities and speakers all afternoon from noon-10 p.m in the Bear Paw, north of the Plaster Student Union on MSU campus.

Some of the featured bands include Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Luna Jamboree, The Beartones, Plaid Dragon and The Violet Lockets.

Lauren Bansbach is the secretary of SSF. She said the group has been hosting this event for years.

“This semester we’ve launched a Beyond Coal campaign which is part of a national effort to move United States college campuses off of coal energy. We really think Missouri State should be a leader in this. There’s a lot of really good solutions out there. So this year, we want to put some focus on our campaign and educate people about the negative impacts of coal, and also how there is a lot of positive, clean energy solutions to be had.”

There will be activities offered like yoga, a rock wall and tie-dying.

Guest speakers include Mike Kromery, Executive Director at the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks, and Zeke Fairbank, founder of The Alternative Energy Company.

During the event, SSF members will be gathering signatures to ask the MSU administration to make the transition to renewable energy.

For KSMU News, I’m Rebekah Clark.