The Missouri Department of Transportation is asking for volunteers to help keep the state’s roadways free of litter during its No MOreTrash! Bash this month.
It’s an annual event to do some spring cleaning and highlight the need for groups to adopt stretches of roadway through the Adopt-A-Highway program. MODOT also encourages one-time street cleanups.
The organization will provide trash bags and safety vests to anyone who signs up to volunteer.
MODOT spends about $6 million annually to remove litter along highways, according to an agency news release. Currently, volunteers perform about $1 million a year in litter cleanup through the Adopt-A-Highway program.
Missouri was one of the first states in the county to implement the Adopt-A-Highway program 35 years ago, according to MODOT.
There are more than 5,300 groups and 50,000 volunteers who have adopted more than 6,400 miles of roadway.
Find out how to sign up to help pick up trash at or call 1-888-ASK-MODOT.
Trailers without sides must be completely covered by tarps, truck tailgates must be up and the disposal items cannot be hanging off the vehicle in any way, according to MODOT.
Driving a vehicle without its load completely covered may lead to a $25 unsecured load fee.