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Taking Support For Veterans To New Heights

Retired Air Force Master Sgt. Jimmy Petrolia wingsuit jumping. (Jimmy Petrolia/Twitter)
Retired Air Force Master Sgt. Jimmy Petrolia wingsuit jumping. (Jimmy Petrolia/Twitter)

Retired Air Force Master Sgt. Jimmy Petrolia will try to set two world records for a wingsuit jump when he leaps from a plane on Veterans Day. He’ll be flying at around 30,000 feet when he jumps. The two world records he’s trying to break are time spent in the air and distance traveled.

Petrolia’s effort is designed to raise awareness and money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and is being sponsored by a networking organization called Tactivate, which brings businesses together with former special operations forces who are looking for opportunities after they serve.

Petrolia speaks with Here & Now‘s Robin Young about his upcoming record breaking attempt.



  • Jimmy Petrolia, retired Air Force Master Sargent and record-breaking wingsuit jump seeker. He tweets @pj95005.

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