Mercy has hired 17 Certified Application Counselors to help people access Missouri’s Health Insurance Marketplace, which opens next Tuesday.
The counselors are being paid through a $573,000 grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health.
They’ll work with Missourians to help them understand and choose the most appropriate insurance coverage for their families. They’ll be available for in-person appointments at Mercy hospitals in the state including Springfield, Joplin and Lebanon.
The grant is part of Cover Missouri, a larger education effort funded by MFH to expand healthcare coverage.
In addition to offering help with the MO Health Insurance Marketplace, Mercy Springfield will host a University of Missouri Extension public education program next Tuesday from 1 to 3 at Hammons Heart Institute. Participants will learn to make health insurance decisions by understanding their options and responsibilities.
To get help with the new insurance marketplace, 1-855-900-4140.