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Princess Day for Battered Women

Princesses are not just in fairy tales.

The Family Violence Center celebrated Princess Day today (Tues.) with battered women to help rebuild their self-esteem.

KSMU's Erika Brame was at the event and files this report.

Pink ribbons, a chocolate cake, and piles of prom dresses decorated a small room at a local church.

In this fairy tale palace the women were trying on dresses donated by the coordinators of the event.

They received chair messages, tiaras, and kits filled with make up for their day as princesses.

The Family Violence Center put together a royal get away for these women, many of whom have suffered physical and emotional abuse.

Beth Lynch Assistant Case Manager for the Family Violence Center says this day is their day to recreate who they are.

"You know, they lose their identity. So we are helping to rebuild their identity. By pointing out their good attributes and you know, what is positive about them. You know, help them reach those goals."

Lynch says these programs give, "the women of courage", as she calls them, the strength to do things on their own.

"A lot of them once they come in here; they go to school, they get jobs, and it proves to them that they can do it. That they can do it without the person who is hurting them and they don't have to be hurt. That love is not supposed to hurt them at all."

Judith Lee Nelson Director of Development at the Family Violence Center says they use activities to help women gain a positive perspective about themselves.

"The one exercise that I saw is that everybody wrote down something positive about everybody else in the room. And to have the women here people talk about positive things in their lives was very moving."

The women here are apart of a self-esteem class where they are learning about co-dependency, relationship issues, and how to care for themselves.

The Family Violence Center in Springfield was the first shelter in the state when it was established in 1968.

It is currently Missouri's largest shelter for battered women.

For more information about the Family Violence Center you can go to our website at ksmu dot org.

For KSMU News I'm Erika Brame.


  • The Family Violence Center